Monday, October 1, 2012

Glass Menagerie Blog Post 2

The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams

SYMBOL: a person, place, thing, or event that stands for something more than itself

fire-escape/smoke break/time portal...?

 I could be completely off in my thinking right now and realize that it is allowed, but I get the impression that whenever Tom Wingfield goes to the fire-escape for a smoke break he recalls a memory to tell during the play. Every scene seems to begin with something to do with the fire-escape and Tom either already at it, or on his way over to it. I already know that the memories are his too. He is the narrator so it makes sense that he has a smoking problem and needs to have a reason to go over there. It's a sort of time portal back in time to the memories he has had. He brings them into the play when he goes out for a smoke break. Towards the beginning of scene 5, Amanda is going on and on about how Tom smokes too much and how he could use the money for schooling. Tom's response is this: "I'd rather smoke. (He steps out on the landing, letting the screen door slam.)" (Williams 1255). Then comes music which also leads me to believe there is another memory coming up. And then he begins to recall the dance studio and a conversation with Amanda about his sister, Laura.

1 comment:

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