Thursday, November 29, 2012

Frankenstein Blog Post #6

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

PARALLELISM: the repetition of words or phrases that have similar grammatical structures

 Safie's character is very multi-dimensional. She came into the picture during the time when the creature was observing the DeLacey's. Much like the creature, she was a complete foreigner and knew nothing about the culture or the language of the family. The creature used what the family was teaching Safie as a tool that he could learn the same things. He even learned quicker than Safie did. They both had a deep love for the family and are similar in many different ways. I believe that Safie was a manifestation of what he wanted to be. Safie's presence "diffused gladness through the cottage" (Shelley 82). I believe the creature had an extreme need to want to be like her and spread as much happiness as possible, but because of his appearance, he could not do so. Safie was beautiful and exotic--the creature was ugly and made everyone scream and run in the opposite direction upon seeing him. She was the creature's only hope of finding out whether or not the family might be accepting of him. The DeLacey's accepted every poor person and when they were open to Safie, the creature thought he had a chance. His hopes were shattered though, when he entered the home and was run out and beaten. This is where his downward spiral into madness and terror began.

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