Friday, July 13, 2012

 Now I am starting to feel very bad for Miss Lily Bart. In The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton, Lily finally tells Rosedale that she will marry him. Mrs. Fisher suggested Sim Rosedale to Lily as someone she could possibly marry. Of course, I want her to marry Selden, but that won't happen. She began to actually consider it and I don't like that.

 Lily is starting to be brutally honest. Lily says to Mr. Rosedale, "I am desperate--I'm at the end of my tether. I want to be free, and you can free me. I know you can. You don't want to keep me bound fast in hell do you?" (Wharton 197). She's coming in a new way. I believe Lily is still changing from what I predicted earlier on in the book. I wanted her to become a better person, and she slowly is becoming one.

 Mr. Rosedale, however, says that he won't marry her. He doesn't want to lose his social status by marrying a woman with such rumors about her. He wants to just be "friends" which, if someone ever said this to me, I would smack him right in the face. It's rude and something Lily certainly doesn't need at this point in her life right now.

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