Monday, August 6, 2012

Great Gatsby 8

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

 Again I am thrown back in time to learn more on the background of Gatsby. I know for a fact the rumors of him could not be true, but I didn't know everything else about him. He is actually James Gatz from North Dakota. I didn't know the deciding event in his life would be "when he saw Dan Cody's yacht drop anchor over the moist insidious flat on Lake Superior" (Fitzgerald 98). It's such an odd event, but a life changing one I suppose. Also, the fact that he came up with this alternative persona at the age of seventeen seems weird to me. I know he didn't like the lives of his farmer parents, but seventeen seems young to make the decision to change who you completely are as a person. I guess its what he wanted though.

 Dan Cody took Jay under his wing, sort of how Jay has done for Nick in a way. Dan became a sort of father figure to Jay. Even though he may not have been the best model to follow. He is also the reason that Jay doesn't drink that much now. Also, Gatsby inherited his money from Dan--$25,000. And this is where the life of the Great Gatsby officially began I suppose. This is why he is the way he is today.

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