Sunday, August 5, 2012

Great Gatsby 4

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

 Now, I am learning more and more about this Gatsby character; I am growing more and more curious as I dive into the life of him. For some reason he juices oranges and lemons? So, he is a filthy rich juicer who throws fabulous parties for strangers every single night. He is so weird.

 The first time Nick got invited to Gatsby's house he received a note, hand-delivered, which read, "The honor would be entirely Gatsby's...if I would attend his little party that night. He had seen me several times and had attempted to call on me long before, but a peculiar combination of circumstances had prevented it" (Fitzgerald 41). It was signed in a "majestic hand" by Jay Gatsby. That name sounds made up if you ask me.

 Something else that seems weird to me, is the fact that when Nick asked where Gatsby was at the party people just stared at him and vehemently denied where he was. why? It's strange. Also, there are whispers of him having killed someone, which I don't believe. I was reaffirmed when Nick finally met him and he seems so nice! I want them to become best friend neighbors. He wasn't mean or crazy or a murderer at all. They actually had served in the war together. It's crazy how they served in a war together and then ended up being neighbors. It just reminds me how small the world really is.

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